

Compute moving average of discrete events in time series

Drone Delivery System



Built and designed Bats.

Bats can be integrated into your CI/CD pipeline and can perform following validations:

  1. Compare two resources.
  2. Validate success/failure of shell commands.
  3. Extract values of certain properties from one resource and compare them to values of different properties in another resource of same or different type.
  4. Generate simplified or detailed logs.
  5. Define custom behavior on different pre-defined error types like ‘FILE_NOT_FOUND’.

Technologies: python, Unix shell

Compute moving average of discrete events in time series


Given a time-frame and time-series increment size, the tool computes and logs the moving average delivery time for given discrete events falling in the given time-frame.


Technologies: python

Drone Delivery System


Simulation of a drone system, using Java threads to represent drones running in parallel, and queuing framework for processing drone events.


Technologies: java, maven, ant, executor framework, messaging queue, log4j, activemq, junit